Become EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE....Guide yourself...3


As we already talked about Feelings and blame and today i am talking about YOUR GOALS and USE POSITIVE EMOTION To GUIDE YOURSELF.

You know people are lucky , जिनकी लाइफ मे कोई उन्हें GUIDE कर सके ,जिसकी हम सब को जरूरत होती है ,पर हर किसी के पास ऐसे अचछे लोग होते नही।
            In that case we have to help ourself .
Yes ! Set goals and use your emotion creatively .

          Do you remember elders scolding you for your mistakes and bad behaviour ?
Were they really angry or were they using emotional intelligence to correct your behavior ?
         So dont feel bad when someone scolding on you ,its only fore your better future.
Dont feel demoralized when someone is better than you, just MOTIVATE YOURSELF
To MAKE yourself BEST .

This is the best way , गलतिया हम सब से होती है , nobuddy is perfect in this world,
                 गलतियों से सिखने वाला और उन्हें ना दोहराने वाला इंसान ही सफलता पाता है।

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