Hello, THINKING (सोचने का नजरिया ) :- Everyone said always think positive , i know its not easy as people said, but its true. (इंसान की सोच जैसी होगी ,उसका व्यवहार भी उसी तरह का होता है ) I strongly believe that we all have two sides possitive and negative ,its all depends on our thinking which one is higher than other, its just like coin have two sides had and tell. (जैसे कुछ लोगो को पानी का आधा गिलास भरा दिखाई देता हे और कुछ लोगो को आधा खाली ) its all depends on our thought process. Its true that we always have positive thinking but its my believe that 99.9% have positive thought but 0.1 % prepare for negative too. (जैसे अच्छा करोगे तो अच्छा होगा पर कभी कभी ऐसा नही होता तब हमेशा दूसरे कदम के लिए तैयार रहना चाहिए ,और यही आपकी अच्छी सोच होती हे ) Give you...