HELLO, How are you all ? long time well i am busy with my work. Get back to our sessions... Today i am talking about the most important part of our life or our personality. THE WORD PERSISTENCE IS DERIVED FROM THE WORD '' PERSIST '' WHICH MEANS TO ENDURE : TO REMAIN : TO CONTINUE :TO LAST '' persistence is ''consistency ,steadiness , tenacity '' Success is not a easy path i know , becuse i am also a straggler like you all but one thing i always follow in my life '' HOPE , PERSISTENCE , AND KEEP TRYING AND I TRY TO GIVE MY BEST TO ACHIEVE MY GOAL '' I am not win always ,many time i faced failure ,for some time i also lost my passions , generally we all do same , fight with god ,i am also doing same ...........BUT I RECHARGE AND MOTIVATE MYSELF AGEING AND GET BACK TO MY WORK . बहुत पुराना श्लोक है शायद सबने सुना होगा। ...