
Showing posts from March, 2017

Become EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE....Guide yourself...3

Hello, As we already talked about Feelings and blame and today i am talking about YOUR GOALS and USE POSITIVE EMOTION To GUIDE YOURSELF. You know people are lucky , जिनकी लाइफ मे कोई उन्हें GUIDE कर सके ,जिसकी हम सब को जरूरत होती है ,पर हर किसी के पास ऐसे अचछे लोग होते नही।             In that case we have to help ourself . Yes ! Set goals and use your emotion creatively .           Do you remember elders scolding you for your mistakes and bad behaviour ? Were they really angry or were they using emotional intelligence to correct your behavior ?          So dont feel bad when someone scolding on you ,its only fore your better future. Dont feel demoralized when someone is better than you, just MOTIVATE YOURSELF To MAKE yourself BEST . This is the best way , गलतिया हम सब से होती है , nobuddy is perfect in this world,                 ...


Hello ,              In my last post, i was talked about "our FEELINGS" and today i am going to tell you about more things...which is important to become a emotional intelligence. BLAME दोष -  its a very small word but generally we all doing same thing including me , when we faced faliure, we generally BLAME others.           Dont warry its a human tendency . I am doing the same but its actually not good.                       मै कोशिश करती हू ,कि मे ऐसा ना करू और आपको भी यही कहुगी। गलती करना बुरा नही होता , उसे ना मानना बुरा होता हैं । So take charge if you did mistake and try to solve you mistake . If  you hurt someone so dont hasitate to say sorry. It will give you better feel. And if you are not wrong at your place so keep fighting for your self respect. So Do Well And Dont BLAME others अगर गलती तुम्हारी हैं।      ...

How you become EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE......1

Hello ,                 Let me manage my emotions ,             Not let my emotions manage me! To become a Emotionally intelligent is a journey , which start and end with the self. On this way we interact with many people of various nature .           Some are affected us and some are not.  मै आपको वो बातें कहना चाहती हु ,जो शायद आपकी मदद कर पाये। *** ALL FEELINGS ARE LIKE TOOLS IN YOUR HAND TO PRODUCE A MONUMENT CALLED LIFE ***           कहीं न कही हम सब जानते हैं  कि अगर कुछ गलत हो रहा हैं तो कयो हो रहा है ,पर शायद मानना नही चाहते , So please identified your negative feelings and understood them ,because when you doing this , you can easily correct your mistakes.                  ...

JEALOUSY and HATE .....जलन और नफ़रत

Hello ,  In my last post ,we had a discussion about anger and joy . Today i m going to talk about the most common feelings which everyone have " JEALOUSY and HATE ".             हम सब में से शायद ही ऐसे कुछ लोग होगें जिसे इसका अनुभव ना हो। हम सबको गुस्सा आता हैं , जलन होती हैं ,और जो चीजें हमें पसंद नही होती उससॆ नफ़रत भी हो ती हैं। Its very Common ,हो ना भी चाहिए  becuse we are human beings and its means we are live people's not dead. Question is how we manage all this, which is very much important and necessary. I will give you some example.. 1. Everyone have their seniors in office and i know nobuddy like them becuse they give you orders , instructions..... etc            I know its a feeling of jealousy and hate . I suggest you just think one day you will also senior and you have same responsibility which now your seniors had, try to motivate yourself to become better and a bigger as compare to him. ...

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE..... feelings, joy , anger , jealousy and hate

Hello ,  Today i am going to talk you about "FEELINGS " its a major application to become a emotional intelligence.                We are normal human being and we have normal feelings to like joy , anger jealousy and hate ....etc JOY खुशी - हम सभी की लाइफ में कुछ पल हो ते हैं ,जो हमें खुशी देते हैं। like... In this world everyone have a different sense of joy ,like Spending time with friends , shopping , playing your game ,  some people like eating  ....etc           Actually we dont want to manage this feeling only one thing which always take keep in mind आपकी खुशी किसी के दुख का कारण नही होना चाहिए . ANGER गुस्सा ,कोृध - " FAILURE  " हमे वो चीज नहीं मिलना जो हम चाहते हैं , like negative response , teasing , accident , bad language all things stimulat anger.                Its a major area where we have to work. I know its not easy be...

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE...... To control your emotion as well as others.

Hello, Long time ,how are you all?               Today i am going to talk about emotional intelligence. I know its not easy to tackle but we have to.....even many time i can not do the same thing. In a simple manner i can say its a fight between mind and heart (दिमाग और दिल की लडाई ) most of the time we all are facing..... its endless. So what we can do .....just make youself capable to fight with them or adopt them. In technical language  " EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE is a combination of inter - personal intelligence and intra-personal intelligence."       In  inter- personal intelligence deals with the ability to understand other people's (दुसरो की problems को समझना)       In intra- personal intelligence  is the ability to understand our own feelings and behavior. खुद को समझना जो शायद सबसे मुश्किल  होता हैं। 5 things which make you EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE.. 1. SELF -AWARENESS.... ...

Proud to be a WOMEN....Happy WOMEN's DAY

Hello, Happy women's day....         "Feel proud to be a women" आपका औरत होना ,आपकी कमजोरी नही ताकत हैं। I just want to say all of you please            Respect women चाहे वो आपकी मां हो, बहन हो ,बेटी हो या आपकी बहु हो। Because she have the blessing to give birth to a new life.         We all believe in god but when its comes for women's respect .....?  भगवान शिव ने अपनी पत्नी को अपना आधा भाग कहा ओर माना भी ,फिर भी आज औरतों को अपने लिए इज्जत नही मिलती।     Today women's crossed all the lines of success.  Kalpna chawla, sunita Williams , pratibha patil , sakshi malik , p.v sindhu , kiran bedi or i can A HOUSE WIFE'S. I salute to all working womens but yes a more big salute to all house wife's .....जो अपनी लाइफ में बहुत कुछ बन सकती थी पर सिर्फ इसिलए नही बन पायी ...becuse she gave more importance to her family... Its a big sacrifice which men can not did..   ...